Staking #SeedRound

Update: Staking #SeedRound is closed

Combining DeFi, Play to Earn and NFT Gaming, K4 Rally provides staking pools to stake tokens to gain staking rewards.

• Select pool: Choose the pool you want to participate in. The APR of each pool is different.

• Stake Tokens: Load your digital wallet with the Tokens and stake them in a chosen pool. You can participate in multiple pools.

• Receive staking rewards: The daily gain amount varies and is based on the chosen pool. Our goal is to create a fair staking system between all holders without excluding any group of participants.

Pool 1 "Bronce" - 30 Days Lock - 18,25% APR

Pool 2 "Silver" - 90 Days Lock - 36,5% APR

Pool 3 "Gold" - 180 Days Lock - 54,8% APR

Pool 4 "Platinum" - 360 Days Lock - 79% APR Link:

Last updated