Game Experience

Work In Progress

The following game design is a work in progress document. Our team is permanently optimizing the features of the game. We are also valuing the input from our game community and listen very carefully to their feedback and also feature requests.

Fair Entry: Free 2 Play

The player can start the game with a FREE non-NFT „Training Car“ to get a first ingame experience. The car will have low stats and a limited level-cap. It will be possible to mint this car to a NFT-Car, which will unlock the full game experience & features.

NFT Gameplay / Play 2 Earn

The player will perform the following key gameplay actions:

Progression & retention loop:

  • Driving gameplay (active runs / passive runs)

  • Car management & leveling

  • Parts & Team management

Competition loop:

  • Management mode tournaments

  • Competition driving tournaments

Economic loop:

  • Car leveling and trading

  • Parts & Team trading

  • Consumable farming / trading ($BRL)

In repeated single-player driving gameplay, the player will drive his cars on various rally-stage tracks in different modes. The goal of the driving gameplay is to collect consumables (and occasional other rewards). Consumables are awarded according to driving performance criteria (generally time, but special modes may have special criteria).

With consumables, the player will manage and level-up his car(s). Each level-up will require a certain (growing number of) consumables. Every 10 levels, a major level-up will happen, which will also require BRL Tokens ($BRL). Level-ups will increase the car performance, both for driving mode, and for management tournament mode.

Appart from consumables (for level-ups) the player will also be able to obtain parts & team members through shopping (and also in rally team set-up & management mode). Parts will be available for fusing into cars to improve their performance. Team members will help with different aspects of the game by direct gameplay impact (co-drivers), enabling modes (team managers, staff) and passive boosts (staff).

In rally team set-up & management mode, the player will configure his team – hire team members and assign them to positions. This will allow the player to both access improved performance in management mode tournaments and to utilize passive runs, in which he can send cars to different sessions performed offline which can bring different bonuses.

Once the player has an eligible car, he can enter tournaments. In Management Mode Tournaments he places his car in a passively calculated tournament series against other player cars. His placement is determined based on a series of criteria (basically calculating car abilities+modifiers vs track challenges). Tournaments require the use of K4 Rally Tokens and can lead to wins & earnings.

The player will also be able to participate in Competitive Driving Tournaments – here he will actively drive a car and post a time, which will be compared to other players times, with the same possibilities of earning K4 Rally Tokens.

As the player progresses, he may start using the game to generate and sell items – obtain and sell parts, obtain and sell team members and ultimately, keep leveling cars and selling them with profit as NFT's.


The player will start with a training car, obtain a fully playable NFT-Car, level-up this car and set-up his team and staff. He will keep improving the car and the team, eventually investing into more than one car (due to different suitabilities to different challenges). He will continue to use the progression loop and start investing K4 Rally Token to improve his car and other relevant parameters to start competing in the competition loop – here he will invest further K4 Rally Token to rank and eventually make profits from racing. Repeating the progression loop and competition loop & skilled-up, the player may also enter the economic loop and start focusing on creating content and selling it to other players, shortening their on-boarding time & cycle by providing good content for purchase.

Last updated