
The garage is the place where you can level up your cars and work on your parameter settings.

The car level up economy will be enabled when the $K4R is available on launchpads. This ensures that all gamer can start leveling up their cars at the same time.

Car Parameters

Acceleration - Velocity gain rate when accelerating - Defines how quick can the car gain speed

Agility - Maximum steering angle when turning left/right - Defines how quick the car can turn

Braking - Slow down rate when using brakes - Defines how quick can the car slow down

Drift - Stiffness of the sideways friction - Defines how much the slippiness influences the car when turning (higher value means less slippiness/drift)

Endurance - Health points (currently not used) - Defines how much damage the car can sustain

Speed - Maximum car speed - Defines how fast the car can go

Stability - Center of mass distance from ground - Defines how easy the car can flip (higher value means less chance of flip)

Drive Type - Wheel drive type (currently only FWD is used) - Defines which wheels are powered (FWD - front wheels, BWD - back wheels, AWD - front+back wheels)


Consumables are required to level up the car. There are 3 types of consumables used to level up the car. Each consumable comes in different rarity levels. Consumables are rewarded during driving. Bolts - Common (grey) - Uncommon (green) - Rare (blue) - Epic (violet) - Legendary (yellow)

Electronics - Common (grey) - Uncommon (green) - Rare (blue) - Epic (violet) - Legendary (yellow)

Spanners - Common (grey) - Uncommon (green) - Rare (blue) - Epic (violet) - Legendary (yellow)

How to convert consumables

The consumable converter will go live when the $K4R is available on launchpads. This ensures that all gamer can start leveling up their cars at the same time.

Consumables can be converted using the converter tool. The design is still fuctional and will get a complete overhaul until open beta.

How to level up?

In the Level-Up Button you see how much consumables are needed to level up the car. Once you have enough consumables the "Level Up" button will indicate that you are now ready to level up the car. Each level up provides you a certain amount of parameter points which you can spend to level up car parameter values.

Last updated